Monday, 6 August 2012

The best Physiology book (my point of view)

salam readers.

Today I am going to share with you one of my favourite physiology book. For the past 1 year, I really struggled to survive in UiTM medical faculty. Its hard man. It ain't easy. But people out there, the minute I say I studied in UiTM, their next question would be:

"what course eh?"
and i say "medicine"
and they'll go
"eh...UiTM pun ada medical faculty ke?"
and they will have the 'look'...
dalam kepala mesti fikir *budak ni mesti tak dapat 4 flat. tu yang masuk UiTM tu.

Sorry if I was too judgemental. but yeah...that was the truth when I tell people that I'm a medical student in UiTM. They think its easy. Well dearies, IT ISN'T. I worked my ass off to survive in this faculty. Sorry emo sekejap :)

Anyways, back to the topic. My fav physiology book I have encountered so far is this:

Some of my classmates might have seen me carrying this book around. Well, I tell you, this book is like my 'baby'.

I first knew about this book when I was studying respiratory module. There is only ONE book of this latest edition in my faculty's library. So, every week i would extend the due date. That shows how obsess i was to this book.

Until at one point, I was so malas to extend the book until I kena bayar (quite few ringgit) sebab lambat pulangkan.  padan muka to me! hehe...

Why I like this book:

FIRST- short and sweet
This book explains segala benda yang susah in a simple and shorter way. Trust me. This book really makes my life so much more easy. I tried reading guyton and even ganong but after reading them, I was more confused than I was before.

SECOND- some extra info
This book pun ada cerita pasal acid base imbalance taw! cari dalam patho papa yang tebal tu tak de. but this book even ada 1 whole chapter on acid base imbalance. The book also inserts some clinical stuffs.

I stil remember,  there's 1 time, my lecturer tanya:

Prof H: Why is there high level of oxytocin during pregnancy but lactation does not occur?
Us: Due to estrogen and progestrone prof.
Prof H: but how? How does progestrone and estrogen works?
Us: *bunyi cengkerik
Prof H: can someone check in guyton?
Budak rajin bawa buku guyton: *mencari-cari dalam guyton. muka hampa.
Me: *cari-cari in my book and i found the answer! raised my hand and try to answer

"it is because the estrogen and progestron block the the receptor. hence the oxytocin can't bind to receptor which cause lactation. during parturition, the estrogen and progestrone drops significantly which enables oxytocin to bind to its receptor and cause lactation" 

Prof H: good... :)

THIRD- this book is 10X lighter than guyton!

go get it now!

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